If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that a while back, I wrote a blog called ‘Why I’m not talking about weight anymore.’

I wrote that weight isn’t and shouldn’t be the ONLY tool we use to measure our progress.
I wrote that our self-worth should not be determined by a number on the scales.

I still, truly, believe all of this and I stand by almost all of the things I said in that blog.

However, in the months that passed since then, I’ve observed that pretty much all of the ladies who come to me for help want to “lose weight.”

They want someone to help them lose weight in a safe, healthy way, without gimmicks or fad diets. They want to learn about proper, healthy nutrition after years of being screwed over by slimming clubs, detoxes, and starvation plans.

While helping my clients achieve all of this, I also help them explore their relationship with food, dieting, and body image, and I remind them that weight isn’t the only tool we use to measure progress and that their self-worth isn’t determined by the number on the scales.

For a while, I got really worried about what the “people on Instagram” would say if I talked about intentional weight loss.
I was worried I’d be labelled as fuelling ‘diet culture’ or accused of promoting disordered eating.
I don’t believe I do either of these things.

I acknowledge that some people need to lose weight for health reasons, and I acknowledge that some people want to lose weight because they feel more comfortable or happier in a smaller body.

I believe that is down to personal choice.

People are free to lose weight if they wish to. Just as they’re free not to, if they don’t want to. It’s not for me to judge anyone or what they want to do with their own body.

I understand that people are so desperate to lose weight that they’ll do anything to achieve it and, if I don’t help them, they’ll go to someone who actually doesn’t give a shit about them and encourages detoxes, strict diets, unhealthy meal plans, ‘miracle products’ and whatever else.

Honestly, I would rather these people come to me as an ethical, evidence-based practitioner, and someone who is actually qualified (and insured) to give out weight loss advice.

Because of all of this, I started to talk about weight loss again.

My mission is to help you stop yo-yo dieting once and for all, and to improve your relationship with food for life. I’ll do this by teaching you the best, most trusted ways to eat and exercise for your body.

We’ll work towards your health and fitness goals without giving up your favourite foods, and I promise never to judge you. This is a shame-free zone.